Azaleas are flowers that are easy to maintain and bloom beautifully. While more common in the south, they can be grown in Minnesota and can be a great addition to any garden. Azaleas can become a staple of your garden, you just have to make all the necessary steps to make it a reality. Here are some tips for growing Azaleas this spring.
Choosing Azaleas
The type of Azaleas you grow depends on the type of area you have. If you have a smaller garden, pick a dwarf variety or smaller. If you have a larger garden, you can pick from some of the older varieties or a kind that has multiple blooms. It’s crucial to do some research before you decide as Azaleas can get quite big.
Where to Plant Azaleas
Azaleas need good exposure to sunlight in the mornings, and shade in the afternoon. Too much exposure to sunlight will make them more susceptible to pests. Another crucial detail is that they need acidic soil that’s well-drained in order to grow best. If the PH level is under 6.0, apply aluminium sulfate to the soil.
Watering Azaleas
Water the soil two to three times a week the first two months after planting. After 3 to 4 months, you should only have to water once a week. After the first growing season, your plants shouldn’t need water unless it hasn’t rained in two or more weeks.
How to Prune Azaleas
Old or overgrown Azaleas can be renewed if they’re given a considerable pruning. Pruning is completed within the late winter or early spring before flowering. In order to prune, cut back plants to 12 inches above the ground and always keep the soil moist and to give them the nutrients they need in order to thrive.
If given the necessary care, Azaleas can be a great addition to your yard that will amaze for years to come.