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The colder months are typically considered the “off” season for residential and commercial landscaping. But did you know that this is the best time for a hardscaping project?

Hardscaping is a bit different than landscaping. While landscaping involved the implementation of living elements to the yard (trees, shrubs, flowers, etc), hardscaping is the opposite. Hardscaping features typically include stone and brick walls, retaining walls, patios, pathways, and so much more. Hardscaping is a key component to the overall landscape design, as it helps define natural features and organizes them. If you have been dreaming of a landscape renovation, consider these reasons why the winter is the best time to do a hardscaping project.

There Is Less Possibility of Damaging Nature

No matter how thoughtfully and carefully planned and executed, hardscaping will cause some damage to living elements on your lawn. Plants, grass, shrubs, trees–all of these can be affected by any hardscaping implementation. During the colder months, however, many of these plants are dormant and will not be as susceptible to damage. It is also easier to maneuver equipment and install when there are less grass and foliage the landscapers are working with.

It Can Save You Time and Money

Since this season is usually quieter for landscapers, you can get competitive rates. And because there is less collateral damage, the installation time can be much quicker than other times of the year. Because of this, you may end up saving a decent amount of money!

Your Yard Will Be Impressive Just In Time For Spring/Summer

Everyone loves hosting events and gatherings in their backyard in the warmer months. So to have a stunning yard just in time for the season is a great feeling for any homeowner. II you have the hardscape done before the snow, your landscape will be just as beautiful despite the lack of lush green. Hardscape projects bring clean lines to your property, which will make it visually appealing no matter what time of year it is.

Being able to pluck a crisp and tasty apple directly from a tree is one of life’s little pleasures. Apples just seem to taste better when they go right from the tree to your mouth. The great thing is that if you have the room on your Minnesota property, you can have your very own apple tree. There are just a few things you should know, however. Here are some tips to help you grow your own apple trees.

Sunshine and Cooling

Like all trees, apple trees need a certain amount of sunlight to thrive and survive. During the summer months, they should be in a spot where they get at least six hours of sunlight every day. A cooling down period during the winter is important to help encourage growth in the coming season. This need for cooling is why apple trees tend to thrive in the northern hemisphere.

Give Them Their Space

It is important to have a plan for how you will space out your trees. It takes around a decade for an apple tree to reach its largest size, so you do not want to underestimate the space needed around the spot you plant the tree. You can have them around a garden that needs shade in summer and light in winter, because they lose their leaves during the cold months. You should try to use a spot that has good drainage, although apple trees are very tolerant to different soil types and conditions.

When to Plant

The best time to plant an apple tree is November, but you can wait all the way until March if you would like. If you buy a sapling, make sure that it looks healthy and strong. You should plant it in moist soil as soon as possible. If the root dries out it may hamper the tree’s development.

How to Plant

The hole you dig should be deep and wide enough to place the entirety of the roots inside without being tangled. You may have to detangle them yourself. Fill the hole, and compress the soil to make sure that its the roots are always touching the soil. The graft should be above the soil line. If you need a stake, then by all means us one, at least until the tree is better established. Give it a good watering, and you are good to go!

A flower garden can enhance your landscape. They should be prepared during spring, after the snow has melted. You can decide on what kind of flowers to plant in your garden. Choose from a wide variety of perennials, annuals, or both for your garden. Try to select an array of colorful flowers that will attract local wildlife. Once you have your selection, follow these tips on how to plant a flower garden.

We have discussed ways to keep your landscape healthy, but this time we are going to discuss proper landscape design strategies that are seldom thought about.

Many people have lawns with flowers and trees. For some reason, however, the landscape never seems to look as good as it could. If you want to create your dream landscape or garden, there are a few things you should think about. For example, your flowers. If it is summer, consider planting some summer flowers. They will thrive instantly and leave you with a beautiful garden for the next few months. When winter comes however, your flowers will die and come summer, they will need to be replanted all over again. Gardens aren’t just about summer, so it helps to have a mixture of summer and winter flowers in your garden so when the next season passes, you don’t have to do as much replanting. (more…)

Landscaping is not as easy to get “right” as you may think. Just because something looks beautiful does not mean it is efficient. Although it is exciting to own a new landscape design, you should not simply “jump in” if you do not know much about landscaping. Landscaping involves planning. Poor design and installation can actually harm your property and will ruin your curb appeal. Additional problems associated with poor landscaping include environmental and economic issues because you could contaminate the environment and you will have to spend additional money to make repairs. That is why you should avoid these common home landscape installation and design mistakes below. (more…)