Little Known Garden and Landscape Design Strategies

We have discussed ways to keep your landscape healthy, but this time we are going to discuss proper landscape design strategies that are seldom thought about.

Many people have lawns with flowers and trees. For some reason, however, the landscape never seems to look as good as it could. If you want to create your dream landscape or garden, there are a few things you should think about. For example, your flowers. If it is summer, consider planting some summer flowers. They will thrive instantly and leave you with a beautiful garden for the next few months. When winter comes however, your flowers will die and come summer, they will need to be replanted all over again. Gardens aren’t just about summer, so it helps to have a mixture of summer and winter flowers in your garden so when the next season passes, you don’t have to do as much replanting.

Landscape Design Strategies

There are several components that determine the strength of your garden or landscape design strategy…


Landscaping is all about layers. You wouldn’t have a tree in front of a flower, and you wouldn’t plant your flowers behind a large stone wall. It doesn’t make sense. That is why it is important to think about your layers before you begin designing your landscape. Every good garden needs trees to add diversity to the design, but before you purchase your trees you need to think about their purpose. For example, do you want a fruit tree or a decorative tree? Think about the sizes that you are buying, and how they will compare to the other taller plants in comparison. Remember that your tree will continue to grow in your garden long after purchase, so biggest isn’t always best.


If you want to really bring out your garden, you’ll want to add a fountain or even some paving and a decorative bird feeder. These aren’t all decorative, and many hardscaping additions are designed to serve a purpose. For example, paving prevents your grass from becoming overly worn if you have a summerhouse across your garden, and it also helps to prevent water logging in certain areas of the lawn, so it is always important to consider these features before you fully settle on your landscaping design.

Click here to learn about the garden design services offered by Dean Bjorkstrand

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